Why Do I Have Spiders in My Home?

Sometimes, it seems like no matter what we do, spiders always find a way inside our homes. Today, we’ll explore some of the most common house spiders in Florida, what makes our homes so attractive to them, and what you can do about it. 

Types of Spiders in Florida 

Spiders are wonderful for the ecosystem, but there are some species to watch out for. If bitten by a dangerous spider like the black widow, you could see some serious effects depending on the individual. Some of the most common spiders to be aware of in Florida include: 

  • Black Widow 
  • Brown Recluse
  • House Spider 
  • Jumping Spider

Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans)

Perhaps the most infamous of spiders, females of this species are black with a red hourglass shape on the underside of their abdomen. Males are dark brown or gray. You’ll find black widows in woodpiles, outdoor furniture, garages, sheds, basements, or attic crawl spaces. While only the females bite, and usually only if provoked, it’s important never to handle a spider. The bite of female black widows can be extremely painful, induce an allergic reaction, and in very rare cases, is fatal. 

Brown Recluse (Loxosceles reclusa)

Brown recluses are named for their tendency to hide in warm, dry environments like attics and closets. These spiders are known to bite when they feel threatened. Unfortunately, their bites can take multiple hours before you’ll notice and roughly three weeks to heal. Children, seniors, and people with preexisting medical conditions could develop a severe allergic reaction from the venom. Brown recluses are light to dark brown and have a characteristic violin shape on their back, which is why it’s also known as a violin spider or fiddleback spider. Adults are about ¼” – ½” inches long. 

House Spider (Achaearanea tepidariorum)

Florida house spiders are known for their distinctive markings and coloring. Adults are either brown or dark orange with a pale mark on the abdomen and dark-colored bands on their legs. Another identifying characteristic is V-shaped patterns that stretch lengthwise on the top of the abdomen. They’re also known for weaving funnel-shaped webs. Like other species, you’re most likely to spot them in attics, closets, basements, or any other place where they won’t be disturbed. Fortunately, house spiders are less likely to bite, and if they do, it’s harmless to humans. That being said, we don’t blame you for not wanting to put up with them in your home!

Jumping Spider (Salticidae)

Often mistaken for black widows, jumping spiders cover a wide range of species – about 300 here in the United States. While they can be black, they also come in brown, tan, gray, and have pale markings that black widows do not. Adults are about 1/8” – ¾” in length and are most likely to be spotted around entryways like windows and doors where other insects will fly into their webs. As you might have guessed, they are named for their ability to jump in order to catch their prey. 

What Environments Attract Spiders?

What makes your home attractive to spiders really depends on the species. Some species prefer damp environments where they have ready access to moisture and will set up shop in the basement or crawl space. Other species like dry environments like air vents and attics. One popular way spiders can find themselves in your home is looking for other insects to prey on. 

How to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

    • Inspect for entryways – Gaps, cracks, or holes in windows, doors, screens, foundations, etc., all give spiders the chance to find their way inside. 
  • Keep a clean house – Spiders can enter your home looking for other insects to eat. Keeping your home clean has a better chance of keeping other insects out which will help in containing spiders as well. 
  • Get rid of clutter – Spiders don’t like to be seen. They will find spots to hide in your home and come out when it feels safe. Try to eliminate clutter to make sure there are no easy hiding spots for spiders. 
  • Call the professionals – If you’ve frequently seen spiders, cobwebs, or egg sacs hanging near the ceiling, floor, or doorway, you’ve probably got a full-blown infestation. At this point, it’s best to leave things to the professionals. We’ll help eradicate the spiders already in your home as well as prevent new spiders from entering in the future. 

Send Spiders Packing – Call Capelouto

Tired of walking into cobwebs and catching spiders in the corner of the room? The professionals at Capelouto can help! As pest control experts with nearly 60 years of experience, we know how frustrating spider infestations can be. If your home is in need of rescue, give us a call at (850) 656-1166 or contact us online today.

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