The most dangerous pests are not always the ones you see. While pests like spiders and cockroaches are unsettling, they are not typically as dangerous as the smaller pests that can be hiding in plain sight. Unfortunately, many homeowners fail to realize they have a problem with fleas or ticks until it is too late. In order to protect your home and family, you need to learn about lawn treatment options for pest control.
Understanding the Danger of Fleas and Ticks
Some people underestimate the risk posed by fleas and ticks. In fact, you may not even be able to see fleas with the naked eye. Ticks can vary in size, but they like to burrow into dark places like the hair or behind the ears. This makes it hard to spot a tick until it has already latched onto you. The danger is that both fleas and ticks can carry diseases. Because these pests break the skin to feed, they can transmit diseases. Ticks are especially known for transmitting Lyme disease, but there are other illnesses that are spread by these pests. In addition to putting your family in danger, they can also put your pets at risk. Cats and dogs are especially prone to problems with fleas and ticks, and an infestation can dramatically impact their health.
Identifying a Flea and Tick Problem
Because fleas and ticks are so small, it is difficult to spot an infestation even when it has progressed to the point of being dangerous. In fact, the first sign of a problem may actually be itching. If you start to feel unusually itchy for days at a time, then you may want to inspect your home. You may also notice that your pet is scratching more often. This is a telltale symptom that something is not quite right and that further investigation is in order. On pets, these pests congregate in creases and are especially common in the groin and around the neck or ears. If you notice your own itchiness, then consider looking at your bed. You can look to see if there are pests in the folds of your sheets or around the edges of your mattress. You should consult with a pest control expert to determine for sure if you have a flea or tick problem.
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Effective Pest Control with Lawn Treatments
As you take care of your flea or tick problem, do not limit your treatments to the house itself. In fact, one of the best ways to keep your home free from fleas or ticks is to try a lawn treatment. With a lawn treatment, fleas and ticks can be eradicated before they get inside your home. Your yard is the most likely source of your infestation. If you have pets, they may play in the yard and bring in the offending pests. With a lawn treatment, fleas and ticks will no longer be in their natural habitat. This minimizes the chance that your home will be infested again.
A Pest Control Expert You Can Trust
If you are struggling with a flea or tick problem, then Capelouto is here for you. Capelouto is a family business that has been faithfully helping the community with its pest problems since 1964. Call Capelouto today for a free service quote.
Tallahassee Lawn Treatment for Fleas and Ticks Termite and Pest Control in Tallahassee FL
Serving Your Pest Needs for over 50 years in Tallahassee FL