Why are Roaches in My Florida Home?

Of all the pests to have in your home, roaches are one of the worst. They’re tough to eradicate, and having them in your home can cause or exacerbate health issues. Discover the most common kinds of roaches we encounter in Florida homes and what you can do to keep them away.

Types of Roaches in Florida 

The Florida climate is inviting to many different species of pests, including cockroaches. Knowing what type of roach in your home will go a long way into how to eliminate them. Common types of cockroaches in Florida are the German cockroach and the Brown-Banded cockroach.

German Cockroach (Blattella germanica

German cockroaches can be light brown or tan in color and about half an inch long. Another identifying characteristic is the two black bands behind their head. While they are capable of flying, you’re more likely to find them scuttling along the floors in the corners or walls. Indoors, you’ll typically find them in the humid areas of your home, like kitchens and bathrooms. In addition to eating food, German roaches can survive on books or paper, soap, and even toothpaste! Females reproduce quickly, which is why it’s so important to call pest control. Wait too long, and you’ll have a full-blown infestation.

Brown-Banded Cockroach (Supella longipalpa)

Similar in size to German roaches, the brown-banded cockroach is about half an inch long but darker brown in color. It has two light brown bands that cross its body. Spotting an infestation is tricky, and you’re more likely to find their droppings or egg cases, which are yellow in color and about ¼” long. These egg cases might be located underneath furniture or in cabinets and other dark areas where the roach may be hiding. 

What Problems Can Roaches Cause? 

Roaches can cause or exacerbate asthma when they infest your home. Like all other animals, roaches poop, and when their droppings accumulate, breathing difficulties can arise. Not to mention the fact that their presence creates a strong odor. In addition, the World Health Organization has found that cockroaches are carriers for bacteria and other microscopic organisms that can cause serious illnesses such as: 

  • Dysentery 
  • Cholera
  • Leprosy
  • Plague
  • Typhoid fever

When cockroaches crawl through the garbage and other unsanitary conditions, they pick up these bacteria, which can then be transferred to our food when they come in contact with it. 

What Attracts Roaches to Our Home? 

Roaches are attracted to two things: food and clutter. When you leave trash sitting around for long periods, don’t secure your pantry, or have an usual damp basement, you can be sure that roaches will come knocking. They are nocturnal, so they thrive in environments where there is plenty of darkness – basements, cabinets, pantries, etc. 

How To Prevent a Roach Infestation 

When you have a cockroach infestation, you need to call in the help of professionals. They are clever critters and great survivors, which makes eradicating them on your own difficult. When you hire Capelouto, we’ll not only handle the pests, we’ll also inspect your home for entryways where they may have gotten in. We’ll also advise you on how to discourage infestations in the future. 

One big thing you can do to keep roaches away keeps your home clean and tidy. Don’t leave food out, and make sure anything in your pantry is secured. Keep the trash bin clean and empty it regularly. Vacuum frequently and wipe down countertops. The fewer opportunities you give roaches to feed, the less likely they are to pay a visit. 

Contact Capelouto for Your Roach Control Needs

Reclaim control of your home from disgusting roaches – contact Capelouto! For nearly 60 years, we’ve helped rid thousands of properties of their roach infestations. To learn more or schedule an appointment, give us a ring at 850-656-1166, or you can reach us through our online form here. We hope you enjoyed this blog, and if so, you can learn more about controlling other pests on our blog page.

Why are Roaches in My Florida Home Termite and Pest Control in Tallahassee FL?

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