What’s the Difference Between Mice and Rats in Tallahassee?
A rodent infestation of any kind is challenging to deal with, especially when you’re unsure what type of rodent is in your home or business. We’ll show you how to recognize the difference between mice and rats so that you can create an effective plan for preventing them.
Mice and rats most commonly infest homes in the winter when they’re looking for a warm environment. However, mice and rat infestations can actually occur year-round.
Homes and businesses suffer structural damages from mice and rat infestations as these rodents chew holes in woods, soft plastics, cardboard, and wires. Oil marks on walls are common, and they leave mounds of droppings wherever they go. Such infestations can also cause allergies and contaminate food.
How can I tell if I have mice in my home?
House mice can grow up to four inches long and are typically brown or grey with a white belly. They have pointed noses and large, furry ears. Their tail length ranges from 2.75 to 4 inches.
Mice enter homes through openings as small as a dime. Often, people are unaware that such small holes exist in their homes. You’ll know that you may have a mouse problem if you find wires, plastic, and other materials in your home chewed through. You may also find droppings, nests made up of material such as insulation, and smell urine.
How can I tell if I have rats in my home?
You may encounter two main types of rats in Tallahassee—the Norway rat and roof rat. The Norway rat is the larger of the two, but both are larger than mice. They have brown fur mixed with some black hair and a grey or white underbelly. Roof rats have soft fur, whereas Norway rats have bristly fur.
Rats can enter homes through holes the size of a quarter. Large, capsule-shaped droppings are a sign of rat infestation. The Norway rat has droppings with blunt ends, whereas the roof rat has droppings with pointy ends. Burrows in the ground, food that’s chewed through, and wires and other thick material that have been gnawed through are also signs of a rat infestation.
How to Tell the Difference Between a Mice & Rat Infestation
When wondering what’s the difference between mice and rat infestations, you should look for the following signs:
- A rat’s hind foot track is ¾ to 1 inch, whereas a mouse’s track is ⅜ of an inch or smaller
- Rat tracks leave a tail trail, and mice do not
- Rats gnaw holes as large as 2 inches and tend to leave a rougher chew cut than mice
- Outside, rats dig holes called burrows. When it comes to rat burrows, these are most commonly dug around the foundation of a house or shrubs. Active burrows will be clear of debris.
- Mouse droppings are ⅛ – ¼ inch long. Rat droppings are larger and shaped like a capsule
Similarities & Differences Between Mice & Rats
Now that you know what to look for when trying to tell the difference between mouse and rat infestations, it’s time to discuss some similarities and differences between these two rodents.
- Nocturnal
- Leave oily rub marks against walls and other surfaces where they travel
- Produce large amounts of droppings when they move around at night
- Seek the indoors during cold weather
- Nest with materials they find in the house, such as insulation
- Rats dig burrows outdoors
- Mice can’t chew through as thick of material as rats can
- Mice get most of their water from food, whereas rats need to seek out water sources
With both mice and rats, you may hear—or even see—them around your house. In this case, you’ll be able to more easily identify which rodent is in your house and act upon it.
How can Capelouto Termite and Pest Control get rid of rodents in my home?
We understand the frustrations that mouse and rat infestations cause. Contact our expert team to discuss your options for putting an end to mice and rat infestations in your home or business. We’ll get rid of rodents for you with our rodent control services and seal your home against future invasions with our successful Rodent Exclusion program. Call us or fill out the contact form on this page to schedule a rodent inspection!
What’s the Difference Between Mice and Rats in Tallahassee Termite and Pest Control in Tallahassee FL?
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