What Kind of Ticks are in Florida?

You might think that ticks are only a problem for the wooded, northern US, but we have them in Florida too. Going unnoticed, they could be lurking in your backyard ready to latch onto you and your pets. Ticks can cause more problems than the annoyance factor as they are carriers of certain diseases. 

Common Tick Species in Florida

Knowing the type of tick you are dealing with can help decide which actions to take in regards to safety precautions and getting rid of them. Common ticks in Florida are: 

  • Brown Dog Tick
  • American Dog Tick 
  • Lone Star Tick 
  • Soft Tick 
  • Black Legged Tick 

Brown Dog Tick

Named for its coloring and the fact it’s commonly found on dogs, this tick is oval and flat in shape with reddish-brown coloring. It’s about 1/8” – ½” in size. 

American Dog Tick

Also known as the wood tick, American dog ticks also are commonly found on domestic dogs. They can be brown or light gray and 3/16” – 5/8” in length and appear oval and flat in shape. 

Lone Star Tick

Lone Star ticks are named for the single white spot found on the backs of females in this species. Compared to other tick species, Lone Star ticks bite humans more frequently, which causes a circular rash. They are reddish-brown, but turn slate gray when engorged with blood.

Soft Tick 

While most ticks have a hard outer shell, soft ticks do not. They can carry tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) and only bite for about half an hour. They live in rodent burrows and feed on mice, rats, and other small animals. 

Black-legged Tick 

Also known as deer ticks, this species is notorious for transmitting Lyme disease. Black-legged ticks are roughly 1/8” long, orange-brown, and flat in shape. 

Tick-borne Diseases

Ticks are known carriers of many different diseases that can be harmful to humans and animals. Common diseases from ticks are: 

  • Heartland Virus 
  • Tularemia
  • Lyme Disease 

Heartland Virus

This disease is thought to be carried by the Lone Star tick. Victims experience fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, headache, nausea, diarrhea, and muscle or joint pain. Many people are hospitalized due to this virus because it affects the white blood cell count, which opens your body up to other bacterial or viral threats. 


Tularemia can infect humans and our pets – especially rabbits, rats, mice, or guinea pigs. It can be spread through a direct tick bite or skin contact with a pet that’s been bitten. Tularemia causes a fever, ulcer at the bite site, and swollen lymph nodes. If left untreated, it can travel to the lungs via the bloodstream.

Lyme Disease

Black-legged ticks are responsible for the spread of Lyme disease, which is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Symptoms of this frightening condition include:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle and joint aches
  • Headaches
  • Neck stiffness
  • Droopy facial muscles
  • Arthritis
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Inflammation of brain or spinal cord

Ticks Around Your Property 

Ticks are most often brought into our homes through our pets. They will latch onto dogs and cats and you may not realize they’ve been bitten at first. The ticks will reproduce quickly and now you’ve got a full-blown infestation on your hands. 

What Attracts Ticks

Aside from a tasty meal, ticks are attracted to areas of your property where they can live undisturbed: 

  • Leaf piles
  • Tallgrass     
  • Playground equipment
  • The underside of decks and porches
  • Old furniture, mattresses, tires, etc. 

How To Prevent Ticks

To keep your family and pets safe from ticks, common chores around the house can include: 

  • Clean up any clutter or garbage in your yard
  • Don’t allow leaves to accumulate or grass to grow long
  • Mow frequently
  • Don’t allow pets to crawl under decks, porches, or other hardscaping 
  • Get professional pest control from Capelouto

Contact Capelouto For Help With Your Tick Problem!

The team at Capelouto can help rid your property of harmful ticks and keep you and your pets safe! Our tick control program will target any current infestation and help stop new ticks from entering your yard. Give us a call at (850) 656-1166, or leave us a message online here. And be sure to browse our blog for more articles!

What Kind of Ticks are in Florida Termite and Pest Control in Tallahassee FL?

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