How Can I Get Rid of Mice in My Tallahassee Home?

Discovering that your Tallahassee home or business is infested with mice can be terrifying. Mice cause an array of structural and health issues, which is why it’s essential to know how to eliminate mouse infestations and prevent them in the future. In this article, we’ll answer the question, “How can I get rid of mice?”

What are house mice?

Florida house mice are usually grey with a lighter underbelly. They originated in Central Asia but have spread across the United States.

Mice in Tallahassee can be found year-round since they thrive in dark, indoor structures, although they’re especially prevalent in the winter. As a result, your home or business is a prime target for mice infestations.

How did mice get into my home?

Mice can squeeze into homes via a hole as narrow as a ¼ inch gap. Often, Tallahassee home and business owners aren’t even aware of small crevices that serve as entryways for mice. Since mice are good climbers, they can also enter through torn screens in windows and doors.

Are mice dangerous?

Mice are chewers and can wreak havoc on homes, humanmade structures, food, and belongings. They can also carry diseases like salmonella and rat-bite fever. Mouse feces and urine can trigger allergies and other respiratory issues.

Tips for Getting Rid of a Mouse Infestation

Knowing how you can get rid of mice is imperative if you have an active mouse infestation. Taking quick action when you discover mice is critical, and you can do so using the following strategies.

  • Close off gaps larger than ¼ inch. Check places like doors and utility entry areas.
  • Seal all food and store soft-sided plastics and boxes in Tupperware.
  • Declutter attics, basements, garages, and sheds.
  • Hire a pest control company.

House mice are resourceful creatures. They can fit into gaps as small as a dime and smell their way to food, ripping through cardboard and thick plastic.

Since mice love to burrow in clutter, going through your house and eliminating messes can help control them.

When it comes to getting rid of mice, having a pet cat is rarely enough. Female mice can produce up to six babies every three weeks, making mice nearly impossible to control on your own with 100% success. Therefore, consulting with a pest control company is frequently the most effective way to treat a mouse infestation.

How can I prevent mice from getting into my house?

To prevent future mouse infestations, you’ll want to follow many of the guidelines above for getting rid of an already present mouse infestation. But you can expand on it by using the following strategies:

  • Stuff steel wool in gaps
  • Check your garage and basement pantries for food
  • Trim bushes near your house
  • Hire a professional to custom design a mouse prevention plan

Using steel wool to plug up smaller holes around the exterior of buildings is an excellent way to prevent future mice from infesting your home or business.

When it comes to food, think like a mouse. If you have birdseed in the garage or leave an open bag of cat food in the house, you’re practically inviting unwanted mice guests into your home. Check your garage, basement pantries, and other places you may forget about and store these foods in glass, metal, or thick, air tight plastic bins.

In addition to decluttering indoors, a good strategy for preventing mouse infestations is to keep bushes and plants around your house trimmed. Mice like hiding places, so they’ll be less likely to approach your home if you have a clutter-free yard.

Finally, consider contacting our professionals at Capelouto. With our Rodent Exclusion Program, we’ll inspect your home and create a customized plan for your situation so we can get rid of your current mouse infestation and keep future mice away.

How can Capelouto Termite and Pest Control get rid of mice?

If you’re overwhelmed by a persistent mice infestation in your Tallahassee home, contact Capelouto Termite and Pest Control today for rodent control services. We’ll help you with rodent control using our successful treatments. Call us or fill out the contact form on this page to set up a mouse inspection!

How Can I Get Rid of Mice in My Tallahassee Home Termite and Pest Control in Tallahassee FL?

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